Kenyatta University comrade disguised himself as MCA to push online campaign for needy Mufutu student to join university

By Sam Oduor

• Protus Wamula put in tremendous effort, coupled with empathy, to help Frankline join Kabianga University. The Kenyatta University Fourth Year student created a WhatsApp fund drive group. In it he joined with another account disguising as an aspiring MCA.

The WhatsApp fund drive raised Kshs 43,900 and helped mobilise for a harambee that raised around Kshs 39,860.

So Frankline Okutoi, who made public that he was lacking fees and university upkeep and badly needed around Kshs 60,000 three weeks ago; will be all smiles while joining Kabianga University this November to pursue Actuarial Science.

Leaders present at the harambee on Friday.

Protus, who will forever be Frankline’s hero, studies Library and Information Science. He says Frankline’s mother, Ms Elizabeth Rukia, approached him at his Lugari Printers cyber café at Lugari Station and opened up about her desperation.

“Ms Rukia called in with Ms Matilda Kulecho, a Nyumba Kumi officer, and explained to me that his son was risking a chance at Kabianga University for lack of fees. I felt touched by her story, for I come from a needy family too and had a tough time raising my campus fees. So I decided I was going to do something about Frankline’s case, if anything. I told the mother to have hope because help was on its way,” Protus said nonchalantly.

Protus, who likes chatting out with people from all walks of life, summoned a few individuals, including one Mwalimu Shaban Haji with whom they hung out at County 48, a recreational spot at Lugari Station Market.

Haji agreed to be the treasurer of the fund drive Protus was going to run online.

“I started mobilising my friends, neighbours and leaders to come to Frankline’s rescue. I thus created a WhatsApp group and let people join. I added in local leaders.”

‘Protus for MCA’

Protus Wamula went a notch higher, he disguised himself as being an aspiring MCA and mobilised group members to offer a helping hand for Frankline, saying that he would ‘opt out’ if they didn’t.

And the trick sold well, for before the end of that day, the contribution basket was holding at least Kshs Kshs 4,000 more.

He is pleased that it went through, and the young lad will be joining school. He says that wouldn’t have been possible without the help of a few individuals.

“I would like to give a vote of thanks to Lugari Sub-location chief Evans Adavaji, County 48 manager Mr Ombeva, Denno, Grey Moi, Mwalimu Haji, Mr Ikala Felix, the steering committee members and the general public for being so much supportive,” he said

Frankline’s harambee steering committe. Photo | Courtesy

In future, Protus Wamula would like to establsih an organisation that helps the needy people in the society.

“When someone comes to you for flour and you don’t have it, you can as well offer rice,” he concludes.

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